shower seal——An essential element in the separating dry space from moist space in the bathroom

2022-09-20 18:25:16 Tongxiang Zhouquan Zhenqiang Plastic Ware Co.,Ltd Viewd 2244

The separation of dry space from moist space in the bathroom cannot be achieved without a glass door and magnetic seals on the door.

Nowadays, most people prefer to do a wet and dry separation in their bathrooms and install a shower room, but there are many considerations when installing a shower room, such as the choice of glass, the direction of the door opening and the selection of the seal on the glass door. The choice of seal on the glass door is particularly important for wet and dry separation, as it determines whether there is complete wet and dry separation. If the seal cannot seal the glass door of the shower, then the moisture will still escape to the outside, and the outside of the shower will still be wet.

shower seal

The adhesive strips used in shower rooms are mainly waterproof strips with magnetic properties. First of all, whether it is a diamond, square or curved shower room, the doors are usually plug doors and in order to seal them, a waterproof seal is applied to the glass door, which is usually magnetic in order to isolate the space more thoroughly. Secondly, the material chosen for the waterproof strip must be environmentally friendly and hygienic. Most manufacturers choose to use non-toxic PVC as its outer modeling structure and permanent magnetic material as the internal combination to form the entire magnetic strip, and this seal is magnetic and has  suction, and is called the magnetic seal. They are generally placed at the edge of the glass door to keep the door closed without gaps, to prevent splashing when bathing and to optimize wet and dry separation. Furthermore, installing this magnetic seal on the glass door can protect the glass and prevent it from cracking.

In addition to being used in shower rooms, these magnetic seals can also be used to seal the doors and drawer doors of appliances such as refrigerators, freezers and disinfection cabinets.

When buying shower magnetic seals, we must carefully identify their strengths and weaknesses.

1. we should smell it to identity if there is an odor, a normal PVC material will not have a pungent smell.

2. you can put the magnetic seal being exposed to sunlight, see whether the surface of the rubber strip discolor, the surface of the rubber strip dust whether oil seepage yellow.

3. carefully observe the quality of the seal, the surface of the good seal will not be very shiny, it is better not to buy those that are not shiny.

4. look at the specific gravity, many black-hearted traders will use bad fillers, such as using talcum powder, heavy calcium and other things to be filler, which can increase the specific gravity of sealing products.

Tongxiang Zhouquan Zhenqiang Plastic Ware Co., Ltd. is a production enterprises boasts its combination of production, research and development, sales. We specialize in the production of different seals and advocate low carbon and environmental protection. Our main products are magnetic door seals, waterproof seals for shower room, EPDM foam rubber seals , coating type seals, TPE door and window seals, PU coated type foam seals, shower room rollers and other plastic profiles.

If you need above products, please email us at and we will reply to you as soon as possible.